Tuesday, May 12, 2015

23rd Week Tomorrow!

I am so excited for tomorrow. Why? Because I am almost at the finish line! I am excited to finally meet and hold my baby. Almost there... After this, it's going to be my third trimester.

A lot has changed on my body these days. I have a big belly, my navel is nowhere to be seen, my armpits, face and neck became darker, I have pimples growing on my face ever since I stepped into my second trimester. There are days when I feel as if I am the ugliest girl on the planet. But one thing's for sure...

In the end, it's all worth it.

Never mind the endless journey to the bathroom, never mind that I have to eat vegetables (ugh, I HATE vegetables!), the stares I get from random people, the incessant talk about my ever-growing breasts, my sudden outbursts of emotions. It's completely normal.

What's important is that I am trying my best to be the best for my baby and for my husband.


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